How to color your hair at home with L’Oreal Inoa Professional Hair Colour
How To Colour Your Hair 101:
Preparing The Hair Colour:
• Put the gloves before you begin mixing the INOA Hair Colour and developer, as this will protect your skin from the chemicals.
• Now is also a good time to drape an old towel over your shoulders to protect your clothes when it comes to applying the hair color. (You could also wear an old t-shirt.)
• Combine the Loreal INOA Hair Colour and INOA Developer using a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio. (1:1 means if you are using 60gms of the hair color- use 60 ml of the developer)
• Mix these together until the mixture is smooth and consistent in color and texture
• The ratio of hair dye to the developer will be specified in the instructions that come with your package. Following the correct ratio is crucial for your hair to colored properly.